With Maestra Juana

May 18 - 31, 2024

Address: El Encanto De Chullachaqui, Iquitos, Peru

Contact: AYA Healing Retreats

  • $3,200.00 – Early bird - Private tambo + ensuite bathroom
  • $3,500.00 – Private tambo + ensuite bathroom

The divine feminine is the expression of the ancient mother in all of her forms. From this space creativity, compassion, intuition, and collaboration flow endlessly. When in balance, you can feel the potency of this force through vulnerability, grace, courage, humility, and strength. To connect to the divine feminine is to become fully aligned to the sacred light within. In this space, the heart remains open to allow spirit to guide, the mind does not interrupt the flow of love, and you are no longer looking outside of yourself for fulfillment. Once rested in the womb of the mother, there is a deep remembrance that all life is connected, nothing is separate, and every moment is an opportunity to feel this beauty. This radiance and bliss create a deep peace in the heart and the ultimate surrender reveals all truth.

This retreat is beautifully designed to allow space for sisterhood as well as sacred time with self and these wise plant allies. During these 14 days, there will be specific containers curated for processing and integrating your experiences. Some of the time will be spent sharing, connecting, and co-creating with the earth and one another. You will be embodying the divine feminine through dance workshops, psychologic, sound, vocal activation, medicinal yoni steam bath on women’s circle ceremony, dances of universal peace, and oral and dynamic transmissions. There will also be space for us to become more quiet and internal through guided meditation, sound healing, yoga, womb clearing, and Mindfulness. The second week will be in silence so you can commune more deeply with the wisdom of these plants and the potency of the Shipibo lineage that will be holding you.

AYA Healing Retreats offers a life-altering opportunity to connect with shamanic healing traditions of the Iquitos region. Those courageous enough to immerse themselves in the process will catalyze profound a spiritual transformation, and return to wholeness. We also offer discounts for Central and South American residents/nationals, as well as returning participants.

The Dieta
5 Fully supervised & curated Ayahuasca Ceremonies
Your personalized Master Plant Dieta from Don Miguel
Defining Your Intentions
Intimate group setting
Personalized consultations and individualized Plant Medicine Treatment from Don Miguel
Active participation in brewing the sacred plant medicines – Ayahuasca or the chosen master plant

3 Wholesome meals per day; 2 on the day of our Ayahusaca ceremonies
14-Days in a private room or jungle bungalow at El Encanto De Chullachaqui
Washing and laundering of clothing
Support to organize transportation from/to Iquitos, Peru – to our retreat center

Embody the Divine Feminine
Yoga classes.
Guided meditations & therapeutic imaginary.
Movement workshop – Chi Kung.
5 Elements dance workshop.
Mindfulness and conscious breathing practical techniques transmission and practice.
Cacao Ceremony.
Womb Healing, Yoni Steaming, and Yoni Art.
Womb breathing purifying techniques.
Sound vibrational journey.
Women’s circle and divine feminine transmission and integration.
Healing The Mother Wound: ReParent Your Inner Child transmission.
Understanding The Drama Triangle transmission.
Exiting The Drama Triangle transmission.
Art therapy workshop.
Altar creation.
Prayer and song.
Divine Feminine song book transmission & voice activation practices.
Self love empowering practices and transmission.
Psychomagic for healing and sorority.
Therapeutic Dynamics.

Shipibo Traditions & Grounding Exercises
Purifying flower and vapour baths by the riverside
Icaros (chanting), chosen specifically for each ceremony by the Curandero
Mapacho and Pipe use + tools of navigating the Ayahuasca journeys
Fascinating group lectures that reveal the sacred traditions of the Shipibo traditions, language, and knowledge

Dedicated Integration Groups with time for sharing
Integration workshop
Trauma-Informed Practices
Full translations from Spanish or Shipibo to English
Private follow-up integration sessions via Skype or WhatsApp
Access to our Private WhatsApp Group

About the Leader

Maestra Juana

Maestra Juana was born into the Shipibo community of Pahoyan, one of the most powerful Shipibo healing lineages in the Peruvian Amazon. She is around 60 years old, however her exact age is unknown.She has been studying for more than 35 years under Maestra Manuela, Papa Gilberto and Papa Bejamin, who are all members of […]

Learn more about Maestra Juana